If you have reason to suspect that your intellectual property rights have been infringed in any way that connects to our site, we strongly advise that you contact our copyright agent with a complaint as soon as possible. We take all violations of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 extremely seriously. In order to ensure your complaint remains legitimate under the DMCA, please ensure your copyright complaint contains all of the following information:
- A signature, electronic or physical, of an individual who has been authorized to represent you, the copyright holder;
- Clear identification of the copyrighted item(s) in question, as well as identification of the work(s) infringing on the copyright holder’s intellectual property rights;
- Contact information for you, the copyright holder, that medstribune.com can use to contact you, including your full name, telephone number, physical address and email address;
- A written letter stating that you, the copyright holder, “in good faith believes that the use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent or the law”;
- A written letter stating that all of the information provided in the statement above is wholly accurate, and reaffirming that the writer of said letter has been legally authorized, under penalty of perjury, to represent you, the copyright holder.